
Friday & Saturday

10am - 4 PM

Welcome to Herbs & Things

Hi I'm Kellie

Thank you for visiting Herbs and Things 

Sales are Cash or Check only at this time  

Herbs & Things though small has many 'things' to offer as well as we like to talk about,

The Voice of Nature, Creator/God, Meeting and Connecting with Spirit Guides and Nature in general and

how she is a broadcasting station if we choose to listen.

We talk about meeting your Animal Totems, Power Animal and understanding Medicine Helpers and Messengers 

and how important it is to have skills of Making bread, Cooking at home, Gardening, Canning, Stocking up and more,

and it is the home of the sacred Thunder Hollow Medicine Wheel

You might ask...
Why would a Scotch/Irish Catholic Girl
be 'instructed' to build a Native American Medicine Wheel?

First...about when I was told to build the Medicine Wheel
And then Why

I Asked God a Question and this is what He said

New message from God/Creator

The Purple 'rain' has returned as promised

Don't be fooled by our small size and country location

There's lots inside the small cedar shop, such as
Crystals, Tumbled Stones,
Homemade 100% soy candles-tealights-Crystal journey votives  

Earth-rug all natural jute rugs, coasters, swatches,
 Teas, Spices, Soaps, Homemade Vanilla extract,
Soups mixes, Plant Therapy Therapeutic Grade Essential oils and gifts.

Assort. Teas, Sage, Mortar and Pestles, Pendulums, Energy stones,
Books, Incense, and Much More. and

When in season, farm fresh eggs and produce stand in summer

Click for


& What's


Herbs and Things does a newsletter, where we like to share all kinds of 'things'.

Such 'things' as Gardening, My View from the Valley,

Happenings of the medicine Wheel, What's in the tiny shop, Recipes,

Canning, Baking bread, Being prepared, Book Club Reads and whatever else spirit guides me to share.

Sign me up for Herbs & Things emails

Nature 'Speaks' to us every day and is always there to help guide us on our journey in life

Learn to 'see' and 'hear' how this ancestral guidance from Nature is there if we choose to listen

Sign Up for Weekly Messages from Nature & Medicine Helpers


We are located in beautiful
Colden NY
At 8441 Hayes Hollow Rd



Herbs and Things Web site is always changing
and may look different each time you visit.

Coming, images of what's inside Herbs & Things, so

purchases can be done through visiting the store, calling or texting. 716-861-4851


Chief Seattle said in 1865

How Can You Buy or Sell the Sky?

How can you buy or sell the sky—the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us.
We do not own the freshness of the air or the sparkle of the water.
How can you buy them from us?
We know that the white man does not understand our way.
One portion of the land is the same to him as the next, for he is a stranger
who comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs.
The earth is not his brother but his enemy, and when he has conquered it,
he moves on. He leaves his fathers’ graves, and his children’s birthright is forgotten….
There is no quiet place in the white man’s cities.
No place to hear the leaves of spring or the rustle of insect’s wings.
But perhaps because I am a savage and do not understand, the clatter only seems to insult the ears.
And what is there to life if a man cannot hear the lovely cry of a whippoorwill
or the arguments of the frogs around a pond at night?
The Indian prefers the soft sound of the wind darting over the face of the pond,
and the smell of the wind itself cleansed by a midday rain, or scented with a pinon pine.
The air is precious to the red man.
For all things share the same breath—the beasts, the trees, the man.
The white man does not seem to notice the air he breathes. Like a man dying for many days, he is numb to the stench….
When the last red man has vanished from the earth, and the memory is only the shadow of a cloud moving across the prairie,
these shores and forests will still hold the spirits of my people,
for they love this earth as the newborn loves its mother’s heartbeat….
One thing we know—our God is the same.
This earth is precious to Him. Even the white man cannot be exempt from the common destiny.
--Sealth, a Duwamish chief, 1865

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